Social origin and academic achievement: What can hierarchical models bring by using PISA data?
DOI :és :
Student achievement ; Multilevel modeling ; ESCS ; PISA 2015Résumé
This study aims to examine disparities in global school performance. By utilizing data from the 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), this research seeks to measure disparities in academic achievement among countries and within each country, relying on multilevel modeling. Consequently, the use of this modeling approach allowed for quantifying estimation biases generated by ordinary least squares estimators. Additionally, considering weightings reveals certain degrees of estimation bias across all participating countries in this international program. Finally, the economic, social, and cultural status of the student (ESCS) positively impacts scientific academic performance in all educational systems, except for the Algerian educational system, where a slightly negative effect was observed.
Keywords: Student achievement ; Multilevel modeling ; ESCS ; PISA 2015
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(c) Tous droits réservés African Scientific Journal 2024
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